“The future of retail is the integration of Internet and digital services with the retail network.”

Charles Dunstone

Email Support is one of the most frequently utilized and is considered a mission-critical service offering. Many view it as more convenient than phone support, although not as timely. One of the major benefits of Email Support is the ongoing thread of communication, so the same teammate is not required to answer multiple email communications. This provides optimal agency efficiency.

Email Support Agents take customer concerns and respond with straight to the point and concise emails. They are tasked to handle multiple inquiries and provide correct answers or appropriate resolutions. They are customer service pros equipped with extreme multitasking skills who can work on composing emails while assessing the situation of the customer giving proper consideration to their level of understanding, technical capabilities, and urgency of the matter. Email support agents are usually the ones taking in the email even beyond office hours just to make sure all queries are settled for the day with professionalism and correct information to help customers.

Let your customers reach you easily and provide real-time assistance in all available forms of communication. With Email being one of the most prominent media used by 92% of all Internet users, this channel is one way of elevating your customer service level through the multi-channeling approach.

Increase overall productivity, boost client satisfaction, and improve your company’s bottom line through our Email Support solutions.